To Start Your Golf Downswing Sequence

When you learn how to start your golf downswing sequence with your?discount golf clubs?properly, it will change your golf forever If I got a dollar every time I heard an amateur golfer said to me "your swing looks so effortless and yet you hit it 10 miles". OK so maybe they don't say 10 miles but they are really impressed with how smooth my swing looks. Well let me say something that might shock you. Your use the Callaway golf to swing looks smooth when you hit it well also. I want to stop and share something with you. The main reason amateur golfers think my swing looks so smooth is because my results are usually pretty good. If I topped every shot I hit 20 yards in front of me, it would look so smooth. One of my little secrets is the proper golf downswing that I've worked on for 50 years. Let me share with you the number one reason my swing looks smooth. After you arrive at the top of the backswing, a whole bunch of things have to take place in order for the clubhead(Callaway Hyper X) to arrive on time into the back of the golf ball. If you get the sequence of the downswing in the correct order-your swing is going to look smooth more often. Number 1-Before you even complete the backswing the left hip has already begun to move laterally, parallel to the target line. It moves about 2-4 inches and then it will begin to turn behind you. Number 2-As soon as you reach the end of the backswing it is time for your arms to reverse the golf swing. The next motion is to get the arms to begin to swing back down on the path it went back on. Number 3-When you were in the address position your right arm was long with a slight softness in the elbow. It is time to start straightening out the right arm. Because your left hip has moved down the line it is at this moment that it will begin to turn behind you. As long as you keep your hip and legs moving you won't have to worry about casting your arms. Casting your arms only takes place if you stop the bottom half of your body from moving. Number 4-While you are unfolding the right arm the right knee has begun to move towards the left knee. And it must move quickly to keep up with the arms. When you learn how to start your golf downswing sequence properly, it will change your golf forever If I got a dollar every time I heard an amateur golfer said to me "your swing looks so effortless and yet you hit it 10 miles". OK so maybe they don't say 10 miles but they are really impressed with how smooth my swing looks. Well let me say something that might shock you. Your swing looks smooth when you hit it well also. I want to stop and share something with you. The main reason amateur golfers think my swing looks so smooth is because my results are usually pretty good. If I topped every shot I hit 20 yards in front of me, it would look so smooth. One of my little secrets is the proper golf downswing that I've worked on for 50 years. Let me share with you the number one reason my swing looks smooth. After you arrive at the top of the backswing, a whole bunch of things have to take place in order for the clubhead to arrive on time into the back of the golf ball. If you get the sequence of the downswing in the correct order-your swing is going to look smooth more often. Number 1-Before you even complete the backswing the left hip has already begun to move laterally, parallel to the target line. It moves about 2-4 inches and then it will begin to turn behind you. Number 2-As soon as you reach the end of the backswing it is time for your arms to reverse the golf swing. The next motion is to get the arms to begin to swing back down on the path it went back on. Number 3-When you were in the address position your right arm was long with a slight softness in the elbow. It is time to start straightening out the right arm. Because your left hip has moved down the line it is at this moment that it will begin to turn behind you. As long as you keep your hip and legs moving you won't have to worry about casting your arms. Casting your arms only takes place if you stop the bottom half of your body from moving. Number 4-While you are unfolding the right arm the right knee has begun to move towards the left knee. And it must move quickly to keep up with the arms.