The Skinny On Soft Golf Travel Bags Or Hard Golf

The Skinny On Soft Golf Travel Bags Or Hard Golf Cases

The Skinny On Soft Golf Travel Bags Or Hard Golf Cases
Golf travel bags or travel golf cases frequently provide golfers that use them with many problems. The problems include the space required, the weight and even the price for the golf travel bags. Depending upon the manufacturer, travel golf cases can be considered really expensive. With this being said, you will typically get what you pay for especially if you want a bit more protection than just soft cover travel golf cases can provide.
If you are getting ready to go on a golf vacation and need to look at travel golf cases for your golf bag, what are the features that would be essential to you in a golf travel case? Make a list of then jot down the features that would be "nice to have" and another list of features that are a "must have." The level of protection that you will need will be determined by the type of golf vacation you will be taking as well as the golf vacations you may take in the future.
If your future
The Skinny On Soft Golf Travel Bags Or Hard Golf Cases
golf vacations are only a drive away, then your needs will be more in the lines of lust a softer travel golf cases. If you will be traveling by bus, train or with an airline and you are not handling your own bag, it is highly suggested to go with more protection as typically the bag handlers do not care as much about your golf clubs as you do.
Most people who buy golf travel cases take road trips as well as fly. These golfers are regular golfers who like to take their clubs with them when they go on vacation and not rent a set while on their golf vacations from the respective golf course. You need a high degree of protection when flying, since your clubs have to be protected by the rough handling they can get on and off the aircraft. Again, the bag handlers do not care as much about your golf clubs as you do.
Keep in mind while you are looking at new golf travel cases, you also need something that will be fairly easy to get in and out of the trunk. Your golf bag will also need to com
The Skinny On Soft Golf Travel Bags Or Hard Golf Cases
fortably fit inside the cover, along with any other contents such as golf shoes, rain suit, golf clothes, etc. that you could possibly take with you on a golf trip. If it's only a short trip, you might consider a travel case that could double as a luggage case. Manufacturers such as Club Glove offer golf travel cases that you can fit in a change of clothing and any other overnight kit you need as well as your golf bag and apparel.
If you have decided on the light-weight and easy handling of a soft cover travel bag, your golf bag should be strapped in securely. In addition, your clubs should be secured from rattling around. This can be done by wrapping a towel around the club heads and shafts which stick out of the end of the golf bag. Some extra protection for the club heads would also be useful. In addition, the light weight travel bag does typically offer more attractive pricing with the trade off of not having as much protection.
If your decision leads you to purchase a harder case with more protection, make sure it has wheels. You will be able to pull it behind you through the airport as you tend to have this bag as well as the rest of your luggage to handle. Make sure you try out pulling the harder case or cover with a set bag and set of golf clubs loaded before you make your purchase. Of course, the case itself needs to adequately protect your golf clubs with some extra protection. After all, that is why you are making the purchase.
Also, keep in mind that you will need to store this case at home while your not traveling. The handles should be good enough to help you lift it to and from the trunk, and the strapping should hold your bag and clubs securely and without rattling. The travel covers from Izzo Golf have all the features mentioned above and the company stands behind their product if something should go wrong.
With all of today's offerings in golf travel cases, there are many features to take care of all of the needs you may have in your travel case. Sit down and create the list of features that you are looking for and this will help you narrow the search. Do comparative shopping and you can save a little money and own a case that suits your needs best. Golf travel cases come in all different sizes and colors and makes, so the choice an easy one.