How To Play Scratch Golf

How To Play Scratch Golf
By John Lynch
I had been sitting at bogey golf for years and playing scratch golf seemed a long distant dream to me.
I review golf instructional books and training aids. I've read, swung, probed, and prodded just about every golf gizmo and instructional book there is out there. I consistently watch the Golf Channel and most golf tournaments ? there was something preventing me from joining the hallowed club of scratch golf.
I was your typical bogey golfer ? if I started my round playing well I usually would shoot mid to high 80's. If my golf swing started to leak oil, I would try something different with my golf swing on the golf course...
Then the wheels would start to fall off and my scores would plummet
The truth is my golf swing was not perfect but I got by with it. I was nowhere near the scratch golf I was dying to play. I had developed a move in my backswing allowing me to swing to the inside and at the same time open my clubface.
How To Play Scratch Golf
s to say I hit the ball pretty far with this method.
But I wasn't consistent.
Then in early May 2007 this golf training system by Andy Brown came across my desk for review. I approached my review with much skepticism ? The sales copy read: "How to dramatically cut 7-12 strokes off your handicap using 4 simple moves" ? a pretty bold claim I thought to myself.
It was early May 2007 and the winter here in New England had been unusually COLD and SNOWY ? My golf swing was still rusty from the long winter layoff.
Needless to say, I was anxious to start a new golf season with high hopes of making some serious inroads to my quest to play scratch golf.
Here's more...
When I first practiced the 4 Magic Moves at the range my golf swing immediately a little odd. I thought to myself "this can't be right".
I relectantly stayed with it...
Then I began to observe that the club felt much lighter as I swung...I also began to find it easier to drop the golf club into the "slot" during my downswin
How To Play Scratch Golf
g - causing me to strike the ball from the inside.
I quickly realized, "I've been swinging the club too much to the inside, now my golf swing is on plane"
"This is why the club feels much lighter, I am swinging the club on a perfect plane"
I began to see a more penetrating ball flight with my irons...
The golf ball was exploding off my clubface
And that's just the beginning...
Five days after learning The Four Magic Moves I carded my first ever hole-in-0ne
I quickly developed more confidence in my swing ? I now knew where the ball was going. This confidence transferred to my short game and I began to score on the course.
Playing golf was now a lot more fun
I was no longer happy with pars; I now wanted birdies and eagles
By the end of July 2007 my handicap fell from an 18 to a 10 - in 3 short months
Then, in May 2008, I discovered the elusive holy grail of golf ? I became a scratch golfer
I can honestly say The Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf has absolutely revolutionized my golf game and I wanna shout this out to the world
This Golf Training program is the real deal
One year ago I was an 18 handicap, I am now a scratch golfer
Hit 'em Long and Straight
John Lynch